
Chairman – John Gillgrass

John was elected onto the Management Committee in 2012. His association with the league started as a player with Station East End in 1986 and served them as Treasurer, Secretary and finally Manager until he joined the League Management Committee.
Telephone: 07825 211208 (mobile)

President & Treasurer – Dave Carlisle

Dave was elected to the League Management Committee in 1980.
He has served this League as Promotions Secretary (1980-89) and he has been the League Treasurer since 1989. Dave was awarded the LFA Long Service Award in 2005.
Dave is also the League’s Insurance Co-ordinator.
Telephone: 07770 807439 (mobile)

League Secretary & Welfare Officer – Nikki Nye

Nikki was elected to the League Management Committee in June 2013. As the former manager and Club Chair of Warton Typhoons FC since it was formed in 1999, she has been involved with this league since 2008.
Nikki is also Chair of the Poulton and District Primary League, the FA Charter Standard League of the Year in 2012 and a qualified FA League and Club Welfare Officer. She was the Leagues Personality of the Year in 2011.
Telephone: 07919 385806

Referees Manager – Mark Moore

Mark was elected onto the Management Committee in August 2016 to fulfil the role of Fixtures Manager and he has held similar roles in his native North East. He is a qualified referee and is employed as Training and Implementation Manager for an IT Software company.
Telephone: 07765 668045

Registration Manager – Peter Jones

Peter Jones has been the secretary of New Longton Rovers FC since 2001, the clubs teams play in the Mid Lancashire League, the Central Lancashire Junior League and the Lancashire Sunday League.
Peter started his playing career with Mellor youth team in 1969 and he subsequently played for Blackburn YMCA, St Marys College OB, Mellor, Leyland Wheatsheaf and New Longton Rovers.
He has managed the youth and first teams at New Longton Rovers; he is an FA qualified Level 6 referee and a veteran of 15 Great North Runs (half marathons). He was the League Secretary of the Year in 2013.
Telephone: 07791 512066

Administration Manager – Graham Gore

Graham was elected to the League Management Committee in 2007 and he is the League Administration Secretary.
He was the Chairman and former member club AFC Ashwood.
Telephone: 07780 939802

Club Representative – Rob Hollowell

Rob was elected to serve on the League Management Committee in 2016. He has been involved with Poulton FC since 2005 as parent, coach and currently manager of the under 18’s and Poulton reserve teams.
He also sits on the amalgamation committee that is bringing together the junior and senior sides of Poulton FC developing the club both on and off the field.
Telephone: 07789 431010

Consultant – Eamonn McNamara

Eamonn was elected to the League Management Committee in 1970. He has served as Promotions Officer and then Referees Secretary until he took on the job of League Secretary in 1975.
He was Chairman from 1978 – 2009, League President 2009-2012 when he was re-elected as League Chairman. He is also the league’s website manager.
Eamonn is the Chairman of Preston Referees Society. He was awarded the LFA Long Service Award in 1998 and the FA Award for 50 years’ service to football in 2011.
Telephone: 01772 864466 (home) / 07850 708011 (mobile)

Consultant – Barry Haughey

Barry was elected to serve on the League management committee in 2001 as Registration Secretary and he became League Secretary in 2004 until 2011 and after an absence of 15 months he returned as League Secretary in 2012.
Barry’s association with the League goes back to the early 1980’s and the formation of Theatre Boys FC who he served for many years as a player, club secretary and more latterly as a committee member. He has been a referee in 1996.
Barry is an elected member of the Management Committee and he will assist the League as a consultant.

Members involved with member clubs

ChairmanJohn GilgrassHunters & Ingol Rangers
SecretaryNikki NyeWarton
Registrations Manager (Youth)Peter JonesNew Longton Rovers
Club RepRob HollowellPoulton
ConsultantBarry HaugheyTheatre Boys

Members involved with refereeing and/or Preston Referees Society

ConsultantEamonn McNamara
President & TreasurerDave Carlisle